Aug 16, 2007 18:24
Our plan to have a cheap vacation here in California has died an ugly death. Those special tickets we got through Reil's work ended up getting us stuck in Chicago (we didn't realize that not only were we flying stand by, but we were flying bottom of the pile, even the stinky dog gets on before us, stand by. So, in order to get out of Chicago, we ended up spending about $1000 on Chicago-SF tickets. Ouch.
On Tuesday, Reil called me, to let me know he'd talked to Southwest, and all of their weekend flights were filled to the brim. There were a few openings on a direct flight on Tuesday and a bunch of seats flight to Denver on Monday. However, the Denver to DC flight was nearly full. At that point, I just gave up and bought the cheapest tickets I could find for Saturday, setting us back another $900. Ouch.
While I felt sick to death about spending all that money, the knowledge that we'll actually get to DC on Saturday night makes me feel a bunch of relief. I could just see us getting stuck in Denver for a week, spending tons of money on hotels and missing the beginning of school for the kids. No thank you!
The rest of our trip, expensive as it has been, has been lovely. Humboldt was relaxing, my folks were great. I've spend today with my best friend, just hanging out at her place. Yesterday we spent with my sister and her kids. Really, just a very nice time. So, I guess, in a way, it's all worth the money we've spent.