We live in a house!! My room is blue and I can climb out my window and sit on the roof and smoke. Also we moved for about 16 hours yesterday, if you were thinking it before it's been confirmed, we are in fact robots made of magic. And dreams. SUCK ON THAT!!!!! AIAIAIIAIAIIAIAIIIIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI!!!!
I had a dream last night that I was dating Britney Spears, and I was really good with her baby (who by the way was really fat and always wore a sideways hat). So went to play mini golf, where I jumped out and scared kids for kicks or money.
Did you know that NASCAR has its roots in the moonshine/rumrunning business? Neither did I untill I watched that History channel special on the mooonshine. Who knew you could learn so much by doing so little
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So I was thinking of making a Mother's Day card for my mom that said "Thanks for not getting an abortion." or possibly some other joke about birth control, but I have this feeling that she won't find this as hilarious as I do
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