Feb 19, 2010 20:07
It's been a fun couple of days...big changes a PSB, mmy cat set off the alarm in the house, the snow has been melting some and therefore leaking into the house...
I have a couple outdoor cats that come around from wherever that I feed and my youngest kitty Sass, absolutely freaks out when the one cat is here. The one outdoor cat (I've named hetr fluffy to distinguish between the other short hair kitty - they are both orange) Well Fluffy likes to taunt Sass by getting up on the azaelia bush so she is level with the window and can see in. Sass gets so upset and the other day she banged on the window and set off the alarm. Not a good thing, especially if I'm not home and she does it. For a while Sass was screaching at Fluffy at like 2 or 3 in the morning. I would yell at her and spray her with water, but those things really didn't work. So one evening I picked her up and held her close, and told her she may not screech during the night. I told her she can do it during the day, but not night. Do you know she hasn't done it since? I really believe some animals can totally understand what we are saying!
The snow has been melting, and because the gutters are clogged, some of the water has been leaking into the house via the window. I walked into one of the bedroom to find water all over the ledge and floor. Fortunately that has stopped and we will have the gutters fixed soon.
Lots of changes at PSB including a new gift shop and the tours will start in a different building...well Pearl always changed her house over the years she was here so I guess it's only fitting that we continue that trend in this century.
Really, really enjoying having snow on the ground!! Everything still looks so pretty! The snow is melting, but we had a lot so it's going to take some time before it's all gone. I'm so happy the weather has cooperated and stayed cold like it should be in the Winter. Everyone will certainly appreciate Spring a bit more when it gets here!