Title: Organic (Big Damn Airmen 'verse)
Fandom: Havemercy (fusion with Firefly)
Rating/Warnings: G / none
Words: 224
Summary: Jeannot figures a few things out about his place in the scheme of things.
Notes: Based on a few lines about inbred old Ramanthine families, I'm fairly certain Jeannot and Ghislain are related. This fic assumes that. Again, no prior Firefly knowledge required. More of the Big Damn Airmen 'verse
here. Working the land is killer on the complexion and hair, but then again, so is war. They lost the war. They're not losing the land.
Neither Ghislain nor Jeannot had much money on their own, but combined they had enough to find a backwater planet and purchase enough land to live off of. They have a radio in their small house, and there's a sweet-faced girl in town who smiles when Jeannot winks, and Ghislain has the respect that his build and willingness to work hard will always buy. The other people in town probably call Jeannot sly behind his back, but never to his face, and Jeannot in turn swallows his instinct that he is above their common way of life.
The first day Jeannot walks out and sees green shoots in the field, he has to stop and stare. The thought of eating something he has grown is suddenly beyond comprehension, after so long eating manufactured nutrition. This is something he made himself. This is beyond the power over ships or planets; this is power over life. There's nothing common at all about it. Jeannot's never seen something so amazing in all his life.
Somewhere, a part of him he'll never admit to, Jeannot is glad they lost the war. Whatever he was fighting for, the life he has now is better.