Big Damn Airmen: With Both Feet on the Ground (Havemercy/Firefly)

Dec 01, 2009 17:50

So I decided I was going to attempt 31_days casually this month -- mostly because I suspect that as soon as school ends I am going to be craving something to do.

Title: With Both Feet on the Ground (Big Damn Airmen 'verse)
Fandom: Havemercy (fusion with Firefly)
Rating/Warnings: G / none
Words: 393
Summary: Ivory goes to ground.
Notes: Takes place several years before There For The Taking. No real knowledge of Firefly canon required. More of the Big Damn Airmen 'verse here.

Ivory steps off of Adamo's ship and onto solid ground again, and he doesn't shake or anything but it feels solid under his feet. False comfort. The black is on the other side of this large ball of rock and dust, and up above just past the screen of atmosphere. Everyone's floating in it. Some people are just floating on bigger rocks than others.

“Are you gonna be okay?” Adamo asks. Adamo doesn't mind the floating. He floats around in his ship that he calls a piece of shit, and he laughs and talks to her and coaxes the best out of her abused, outdated engine. Ivory can pilot a ship just fine, but it's air he likes. Without the wind there's no movement. Just floating. There's dust on his shoes now, just from standing still in it. Some people would care about things like that. Ivory just likes the evidence of the wind.

“I'll find something to do,” he says, which is exactly the answer Adamo is probably looking for, and as a bonus also true. Ivory always finds something to do. If he can't live honestly he can always live dishonestly. There's a knife at his belt and a few more hidden on his person, and a gun in his pack if sharp edges fail him. They only failed him once. But everyone lost that war.

Adamo watches him for a moment, and then walks down the ramp and claps him on the shoulder. That's goodbye. “We'll be back in a year. Maybe sooner.”

He's still looking for the others. It was Adamo and Ivory and Ace and Balfour on the ship, and Jeannot and Ghislain signaled them sometimes from the colony they're living in. The others are lost. They've been lost since the Alliance won, a year from next week. Browncoats scattered. It was dumb luck that Adamo found any of them at all so fast.

Ivory's good in a fight, but the black turns him twitchy. He starts needing the fight. It was good during the war, but now there's no one to fire on and his trigger finger won't believe him. Adamo and the dragon corps he's got left can function without him. This is as good a planet as any to stay on.

“Don't rush back,” Ivory says, and steps into the street.

challenge: 31 days, fanfiction, verse: big damn airmen, fic: havemercy

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