Coming this fall to an IAMBICKILOMETER near you -- !

Jul 27, 2009 18:20

Since everything I'm prioritising at the moment is going to end up really long, here's the WIP meme to give you an idea of what's coming.

"Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!" (I broke that rule a couple times to show who's talking.)

1. Jamie himself stood up straight and stared Scott down. "No sex," he said, a little too dramatically. "No drugs, and no rock 'n' roll."

2. Peter never knew he had a thing for dependency, but maybe it's just a thing for Matt.

3. It's not the easy way, but Brian's a hero and Pete's like a hero, except he works for the government and doesn't wear spandex under his clothes.

4. Friday morning finds him sitting in Daredevil's apartment, still getting used to being called Steve.

5. "You might want to do something about your hair, amigo," Julio says, glancing over quickly and grinning at the sight.

6. "I'd rather the Air Force, actually," Hikaru says, shrugging, "but I can't afford to be picky. Whoever wants me, I'll take."

7. "You don't need to apologise," he says, a little irritably, but mostly just sad like before. "You're Jim Kirk. That's what you do."

8. Montgomery opens his mouth, all ready to explain that it's not just about being fed - it's about comfort food, it's about not being stuck with tasteless nutrition like on Delta Vega.

9. "Don't do that, Rhys," Gwen pleads, resting arms and head against the steering wheel for a moment.

10. "Something's wrong with my face," Aziraphale says.

meme, message from our sponsor

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