In Soviet Russia, moonwands cycle you!

Jan 04, 2009 17:02

I don't think anyone will quite understand how much respect for myself I have lost today. But I'll start from the beginning.

So copperbadge posted in his journal about shitty fantasy novels. metallumai and meran_flash got into and interesting discussion with him, culminating in the ultimate fantasy novel title: Fire of the Crystal Elven Magesword of Dragonstar: The Pegasus ( Read more... )

fanart: torchwood, fanfiction, device: crossover, fic: sga, fanart: sga, fic: torchwood, fanart

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erase_away January 5 2009, 23:53:50 UTC
LOL Rodney and Jack with long hair. XD
I don't think that look is good for them....but your art is so gorgeous! I like the sketchiness and Jack's hands.

and don't feel bad about the fantasy thing because well...we all know the problems in this genre...particularly with dragons, magicians and etc. I don't think you have that problem.

AND LOL. WRAITH + WEEVIL= EPIK BAD FIC!. PLEASE DO WRITE. AND ELF ATLANTIS MAKES ME GIGGLE. though Rodney needs to keep his hair short, 'cause his face shape is just not suited to that...maybe John


iambickilometer January 6 2009, 00:07:21 UTC
God that look is terrible for Rodney. It's disconcerting on Jack, but not necessarily bad... it's just frightening on Rodney.
Thanks, though. I totally used a reference for Jack's hands. I am terrible at them otherwise.

It's more the fact that I actually seriously expanded upon the idea that shames me. And that I enjoyed it. XD; But I suppose you're right.

I'm not gonna write a full-on epic AU. But I'll write snippets and suchlike. (Rodney cuts his hair himself, just so no one will argue with him about it.)


erase_away January 6 2009, 00:29:23 UTC
Well I can't draw at all. SO BE PROUD! YOU ARE BETTER AT ART THAN 90% of the population.

Haha. I think crack is always justified. I ENJOY IT WAY TOO MUCH. XD Besides it's crack. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE BAD AND ENJOYABLE.

snippets will be good. Epic Au might be too much, it might kill you internally XDDD


iambickilometer January 6 2009, 01:05:39 UTC
I do believe you exaggerate, my friend.

Well, I'm glad I'm the only one judging myself too harshly, then. :D You, like everyone else here, are of course right.

I don't think I could handle another epic AU.


erase_away January 7 2009, 02:27:56 UTC
I may be exaggerating...but only by a tiny bit.



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