Post-Veep Debate Thoughts

Oct 02, 2008 19:44

You probably won't see me getting political much here - I have a few issues that I have opinions about (well, maybe a lot) but I don't blog about them all that much. Still, after watching the vice presidential candidate debate, I wanted to say a few things.
ooh, I'm being long-winded. LIKE BIDEN. )

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Comments 8

sparklyfanta October 3 2008, 05:07:19 UTC
Wow, I salute you! I can't even stand to watch politician stuff on the Daily Show, let alone an actual debate. I still plan on voting, though; it just depends on which one is more evil and really needs to be booted out/not let in to begin with. *shifty look*

I say we all band together and overthrow the government!


iambickilometer October 3 2008, 05:14:08 UTC
:) Thanks. I just feel that especially since I can't vote, I ought to be aware of the issues, of what's going on. The more I know, the more I can pass on, and the more I generally understand about how the country in working. And I know when my rights are in danger. Plus, I find it interesting in a weird, sado-masochistic sort of way.

I am so all for that, you don't even know. I mean, basis of the country and all. I'm so over these power games.


(The comment has been removed)

iambickilometer October 3 2008, 13:51:57 UTC
Pfft, that's hardly one issue. I myself am strongly for women's choice rights, and I dislike Palin's views on that and pretty much everything tremendously. But what I was trying to do was look at these people not as points of view but as possible leaders. I may not like their opinions at all, but would I trust them to lead my country?

I think my answer to this is no. I don't want Biden or Palin leading my country. Especially not Palin. Obama seems to be the lesser of all evils, so he'd better get elected, and he'd better not die in office, is all I can say.

And the thing about gay marriage is that you can't openly announce that you're for it, or even imply it, and get the swing voters. Even a number of liberals will dislike the concept of gay marriage. It's gotta be done somewhat sneakily. Civil unions are just fine, providing that they provide the same benefits as marriage, and I think I read somewhere that Obama favoured those.

Gray wolves are endangered, not to mention not nearly as dangerous as they're portrayed. ><

/moar rant


nebulia October 3 2008, 07:20:04 UTC
That's a great rundown of a debate; you cover both sides in a very nonbiased way. *respect*

Ugh, this year's election makes me sad. I want a (prepare for random) Richardson/Lieberman ticket. XDDD


iambickilometer October 3 2008, 15:12:03 UTC
Thank you! I did try; after all, there's no point in listening to what people say if you've already made up your mind.

All elections make me sad. ): I'm not particularly familiar with either person, though. What's their policy?


nebulia October 3 2008, 18:13:37 UTC
I really liked Bill Richardson because during the Iowa caucuses (I live in Iowa, so every 4 years we get bombarded with crazy adds), while everyone else was dissing everyone else, Richardson was talking about what he was going to do to make the country better. Not to mention that regardless of your viewpoint he was one of the, if not the most experienced democratic candidate. I liked his viewpoints too, but more importantly, I liked his willingness to work with Republicans and his mindset on how to campaign, and his experience ( ... )


belledewinter October 3 2008, 09:44:27 UTC
Palin is such a big screw-up. LMAO.


iambickilometer October 3 2008, 15:04:10 UTC
She really is. Also, as I said, not as big a screw-up as I had thought before. Not that this says much.


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