Title: New Year's Eve, or Foreshadowing
Fandom: xxHOLiC
Series: Schizophrenia
Wordcount: 418
A/N: This ficverse was inspired by
flakedice, who has actually written her own version. Like the rest, it has a story yet to be told. Haruka is totally in control of everything here.
blame it all on a rush of blood to the head )
Haruka in control
Maybe his parents would want him back if he was cured.
-*gasp* they dumped him in a mental institution. (okay it might not be like that but it sounds bad) *whispers* Break him out Doumeki. And Haruka while you're at it :D
Hallucinations, eh? oh you're going to have to give me some snippets of them. And a view of what it looks like on the outside when it happens. *slow smile* And the chair. One does wonder how many things are mistaken as mental instablity when there are other explanations.
I want to know why Haruka is there. HARUKA! Same reason, you say? - I wonder what he's seeing.
LOL. I don't know why but I'm getting the idea that Haruka might promise some things that aren't true. I keep seeing that smile... Oh course, I could be wrong.
And while Doumeki Shizuka was an insufferable nuisance, he was the only person besides Haruka (who didn’t really count, being another ward patient) who never treated Watanuki like a invalid or someone incapable of thinking for himself.
-Ah. I think that Watanuki might be in the wrong ward. Sometimes the younger people get lumped in with the older people and they have very different needs. Then again there is the tendency to treat mental patients as children. Even on their functional days *wince*. I do like that Haruka and Watanuki are in the same boat, though (it makes sense). I was imagining him as Watanuki's doctor XD
And Doumeki. His role suits his character very well. I like that he listens during hallucinations. Give me hopes for getting the above :D ~subliminal~outside viewpoint/Dooumeki POV~subliminal~
Haruka would have laughed, or made pointed comments that Watanuki didn’t want to deal with. Possibly both. Insufferability probably ran in the Doumeki family, although Haruka was not nearly as bad as his grandson.
-Ho ho ho. XD I think Watanuki will come round to the fact that they are, in their own ways, as bad as each other :D
The vague hints of city beyond the confines of the ward grew hazy and blurred together; Watanuki barely noticed. His last coherent thought was that tomorrow had to be better than this.
-Lovely place to leave it. I don't think I need to say I want MORE! XD
Excellent! I love this alread ;D
True, that.
They did. Not that they renounced him and hate him now; they're just like many people afraid of what they don't understand. And poor Watanuki; his spaz-fits are merely a reaction to the frustrations of a complete lack of control over his own fate.
Haruka...well...I can't give that away just yet. XD
I think he probably does, but only because he'd like to see Watanuki keep hoping and trying for them. He knows he probably won't see a cure before he dies, but Watanuki might.
The way I've imagined this place (which isn't very kind to the idea of wards in general), they have patients grouped by affliction, not age. It is entirely for setup purposes. And yes, they are, which leads me to wonder if they really are mentally ill or if there is another explanation. This will not be explored within the story, though.
Funny you should mention it; the actual bit of the story I've written happens to be Doumeki-POV. XD
He's in denial about that, too.
Thank you. :D And of course there will be more. You know me well enough to know that.
In some ways fear is worse than hate. He he. At least he detroyed a chair instead or taking out one of the orderlies with it.
LOL. I didn't think so XD I'll wait.
That sounds like Haruka (the man needs more love - he's always doomed or already dead but still helping people). A cure? Interesting that there is one.
The sad thing is that IS the way some are. You get people at different stages and they don't get the right care at all. And the younger people...when they are in the minority the entire set up is just wrong for their care. I fear that it only worsens their circumstances. Not covered? Oh well, something to lurk in the brain anyway.
Ah, you have my undying love XD
Denial seems to be a Watanuki survival mechanism. He knows he can't deal with something and denies it. And it is always something emotional. Oh well, I think he needs it in this case :D
Yes, I know. I just want to remind you how eagerly your work is awaited ;D
Yeah. And at least - though I doubt he would. Watanuki's not the violent type for the most part.
Well, there isn't a cure made yet. There is some research going on, however (this is not made up), and Haruka, being a basically optimistic person, hopes that Watanuki might yet see the day where it is being distributed.
It's sad, the way the mentally afflicted are treated in our society. And yes, but I'll be thinking about it as I write, and shall drop hints accordingly.
It'll probably be multi-POV when I finish. Everyone wins.
I really think it is. But I think you're right about him needing it in this case. He needs Doumeki far more, however. >:D
XD It's appreciated.
True. But it would be tempting.
I was referring to a cure in your fic. But your reply tells me that you are focusing on medical problems. Hmmm...
Hints! I will definitely look for them XD
Watanuki ALWAYS needs Doumeki. And it is our quest to see that he gets him XD
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