Title: New Year's Eve, or Foreshadowing
Fandom: xxHOLiC
Series: Schizophrenia
Wordcount: 418
A/N: This ficverse was inspired by
flakedice, who has actually written her own version. Like the rest, it has a story yet to be told. Haruka is totally in control of everything here.
Watanuki stared out of the window, safe behind its wrought-iron, and wondered why he ever expected the next day to be different. Somehow it seemed like just by the year ending he would be automatically cured, ready to live a normal life as he dimly remembered once having done. Maybe his parents would want him back if he was cured. But a simple change of days, even with a year between the first and last strokes of midnight, would not change anything else.
Watanuki hated New Year’s Eve, because he hated that he could never cease hoping.
The medication he was given kept the hallucinations at bay, mostly. He could function, as long as he was kept close at hand in case of problems. And he couldn’t have access to anything remotely dangerous, especially since he had destroyed that chair. Never mind that he had been completely lucid when he’d done that. The ward staff would never believe that a schizophrenic like Watanuki would have done something so outrageously stupid like that out of frustration.
He should probably get to sleep. Tomorrow Haruka had promised that they and his grandson would do something special, perhaps even leave the ward entirely. And while Doumeki Shizuka was an insufferable nuisance, he was the only person besides Haruka (who didn’t really count, being another ward patient) who never treated Watanuki like an invalid or someone incapable of thinking for himself. Even when the hallucinations were at their worst, the other boy would simply listen.
In Watanuki’s books, that counted for him about as much as being insufferable counted against him. At least being called ‘idiot’ was meant in the way that it would have been meant toward any normal, sane person. No warder ever would have dared to insult a patient, and the only other people who Watanuki had seen since diagnosis were either fellow patients - who besides Haruka did not socialise much - and his parents.
No, being insufferable was definitely the least of all evils.
Watanuki sighed dejectedly and mused that he really was in a state if he was actually thinking kindly of Shizuka. Haruka would have laughed, or made pointed comments that Watanuki didn’t want to deal with. Possibly both. Insufferability probably ran in the Doumeki family, although Haruka was not nearly as bad as his grandson.
The vague hints of city beyond the confines of the ward grew hazy and blurred together; Watanuki barely noticed. His last coherent thought was that tomorrow had to be better than this.
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