Feb 04, 2010 19:53

Well, I was perusing petronelle's journal, going back a few years in search of DCU fic, and I discovered this game. I read through some of the responses, and it looked like a lot of fun, so I asked if I could hijack it and she said I totally could. "Righteous!" I exclaimed, and copypasta'd it here for your enjoyment. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. YOU CAN BE AS FANDOM-SPECIFIC AS YOU LIKE, OR AS GENERAL. ANYTHING GOES.

Never Have I Ever [Fandom Redux]

If you would like to play, comment with something you have never written or drawn, and skim through the other suggestions. If someone else has proposed something you have written or drawn, write a snippet -- anywhere from ten words to a novel -- proving that you have done so. If you're an artist, feel free to scribble something and post it.

If you catch someone claiming not to have written or drawn something that you can prove they've done, you can request a snippet from them.

(In an actual game, the point is to get drunk, but we're getting drunk on words, here.)

For every three snippets you write, you may make another "Never have I ever" declaration. Make sure you won't get caught!

(Also, for maximum awesome, please totally invite your friends to join in! The more the merrier!)

challenge: never have i ever, request post

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