Feb 03, 2010 15:56

Two things:

1. holmes_big_bang definitive signups are live (as of yesterday, but ssh!) and active! We had over sixty last time I checked, so this is looking to be ridiculously huge, what the hell have I got myself into. ERM. ANYWAY. You have until June to write 20,000 words of Sherlock Holmes fic, which should be difficult for some and easy for others, but there's absolutely no pressure to finish if you can't. We also could use artists, betas, and cheerleaders.

2. I need Tim/Kon (Red Robin/Superboy) recs post haste. I don't care what medium. I've been reading it where I can find it but I'm none too experienced with DC fandom outside of boostle and dc_freeforall. I am also interested in (though less urgently) Dick/Jason, Dick/Tim, Dick/Jason/Tim, anything with Renee Montoya in.

keeping my pimp hand strong, message from our sponsor

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