Big Damn Airment: Ships, Passing in the Black (Havemercy/Firefly)

Dec 03, 2009 23:33

Title: Ships, Passing in the Black
Fandom: Havemercy (fusion with Firefly)
Rating/Warnings: G / none
Words: 414
Summary: Years later, Thom will remember a friend he made in university.
Notes: Part of the Big Damn Airmen 'verse. No prior knowledge of Firefly required.

Simon talked about his sister like an idol, and Hilary could tell because he was familiar with putting siblings up on pedestals and forgetting there was ever anything wrong with them. Hilary did the exact same thing, and knowing that he did it never seemed to help him stop at all. In a way, he and Simon were terribly alike, despite their different avenues of study. But then there were enormous differences, like their relative wealth, that proved them from different worlds entirely.

Simon called him Thomas, a character from an old book he was reading for some class or another. Hilary read a few passages about the character and concluded the nickname was apt. He'd never had a nickname before; John hadn't ever needed one for him, and no one else had been familiar enough to consider it. Simon had just turned up in a few of Hilary's classes, awkwardly enthusiastic and ready to discuss theories with Hilary that had nothing to do with either of their concentrations.

On Simon's birthday, Hilary showed up with a wrapped stack of books. He'd bought them used in a market, last-minute because it was impossible to find markets with people demanding prices Hilary could afford this deep into the Alliance power area. He wasn't sure if Simon would even appreciate this, so used to wealth as he was, but when Simon opened the door and after a moment of surprise lapsed into a pleased smile Hilary found to be worth all the struggle.

“You didn't need to do that,” said Simon. He took the books and then didn't unwrap them, leaving them standing awkwardly in his doorway. After a moment, he stepped backwards. “Do you want to, uh, come in?”

It shouldn't have been that difficult; they'd been in and out of each other's rooms for the better part of the semester. Still, Hilary found his heart pounding a little faster, a little louder, as he said, “Yes, all right,” and stepped in.

(Some years later, they will meet again in a seedy bar, both looking into less-than-reputable jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with what they studied in university. Hilary, now Thom, will catch Simon's eye from across the room by accident, and then they will both look away, and keep a very low profile for the remainder of the time they are there. But they will wonder about the other. They'll see the wanted ads, and they'll wonder then, too.)

fanfiction, verse: big damn airmen, fic: havemercy

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