Big Damn Airmen: You Know Where to Put Your Anniversary (Havemercy/Firefly)

Dec 02, 2009 19:00

Hm. So I could hold back and post one fic a day, or I could just write more fic.

Is there even a question there?

Title: You Know Where to Put Your Anniversary (Big Damn Airmen 'verse)
Fandom: Havemercy (fusion with Firefly)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 / none
Summary: Thom is responsible. Rook is just drunk. Happy Alliance Day.
Notes: No prior Firefly knowledge required! Other parts are listed here.

They bring him in for brawling, and no surprise that he's drunk out of his mind and railing against the Alliance. Rook, as he's calling himself now, was always an angry man. This time's no different than the times before, except that Thom, as he's calling himself now, is sitting out of the way, pretending to take notes.

Thom waits until Rook is sort of sober and the sheriff is busy calling the Alliance to let them know their big outlaw has been subdued. Then he picks the digital lock. It's a messy program, and will leave all sorts of tracks, but that's what's keeping them safe so far. Let them think that Rook's doing this himself, or at least that his partner in crime is a sloppy hack. Thom built this lockpick computer himself; he can take it apart and throw the pieces out into space with the rest of their trash.

“You're a little shit,” Rook snarls, when he stumbles out. Quietly. “Where the hell were you earlier?”

“They can't see my face,” Thom says, like he always says, only Rook never seems to remember or care. “The Alliance knows what I look like. If they see me in the same place as you, they're liable to put two and two together, and then they'll actually start giving us trouble.”

“This ain't enough trouble already?” Rook's incredulous. He shouldn't be. He saw the war, fought in it too. Thom doesn't know much about that; he didn't successfully track Rook down until the Browncoats were running, scattered among the system. He hadn't wanted to get involved. Didn't intend to, either, not until word from home said his missing brother was fighting the Alliance.

“No,” says Thom. “It's not. So come on, we're getting out of here.”

Rook has a ship. He won't say where he got her, but he talks to her and treats her better than he treats Thom most days. Her name is Havemercy, which is apparently only sort of a joke, and she's a beauty. Rook won't admit it, but Thom can fly her just as well as he can. He's still drunk right now, so Thom takes the helm and flies them out of there.

fanfiction, verse: big damn airmen, fic: havemercy

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