Big Damn Airmen: You Know Where to Put Your Anniversary (Havemercy/Firefly)

Dec 02, 2009 19:00

Hm. So I could hold back and post one fic a day, or I could just write more fic.

Is there even a question there?

Title: You Know Where to Put Your Anniversary (Big Damn Airmen 'verse)
Fandom: Havemercy (fusion with Firefly)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 / none
Summary: Thom is responsible. Rook is just drunk. Happy Alliance Day.
Notes: No ( Read more... )

fanfiction, verse: big damn airmen, fic: havemercy

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nebulia December 3 2009, 03:59:23 UTC

Just. Like. Every snippet you've posted has been so, SO brilliant and this is the best of the lot.

Mal and Adamo being old war buddies is brilliant, and Thom and Simon meeting up at university is, I dunno, completely hilarious. In the BEST WAY.



iambickilometer December 3 2009, 04:06:13 UTC

They are the most fun I have had in AGES. Some writing is really rewarding, some writing I just have to do, but this... this is a blast. This is the easiest time I've had writing in so long. oh my god I love this 'verse.

The next bit is Thom and Simon. Er, arguably Thom/Simon. >>


nebulia December 3 2009, 04:12:28 UTC
Good! Cause I wanna see moooooooore. :DDDDD

lolololol I don't know why the concept of Thom and Simon as partners in crime (or lack thereof) cracks me up, but it so does. xDDDD


iambickilometer December 3 2009, 04:16:17 UTC
Well, I'm writing it for 31_days, so there oughta be a lot more. :D

Oh, me too. Me too. Them with the badass siblings and the book learnin'.


nebulia December 3 2009, 05:32:59 UTC
YES! *happydance*

Oh, but both Thom and Simon are badasses, too, but only when the situation requires it. In secret. Granted, Rook and River are way more badass, but no one owns the ER like Simon. xD

Do Royston and Hal fit into your world?


iambickilometer December 3 2009, 05:45:07 UTC

Oh, I'm not saying they aren't. It's just that their siblings are FAMOUS badasses.

Royston is a Companion. It's the closest equivalent I could think of to being a margrave. Hal... I dunno. I don't have much interest in Hal, he actually bores me quite a bit, so I haven't put much thought into his place. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


nebulia December 3 2009, 15:14:54 UTC
This is true. xD

lol, Royston the Companion. I LOVE IT. Hmmm, Hal, I like Hal quite a lot, I dunno. I dunno how you'd work him in, connect him with the rest of them, but I would kind of see him maybe as like part of/nannying for/etc. a family like Kaylee's or Jayne's--or, no, even better, getting shunted around by survivng relatives until he ended up working for someone like Patience. xD

Are you going to include anyone from Shadow Magic?


artemisrampant December 6 2009, 03:16:07 UTC
OH MY GOODNESS Roy being a companion makes me so ridiculously happy. Now I'm picturing a scene with him and Inara chilling with a cup of tea and discussing something intelligent. That'd be awesome.


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