Nov 06, 2005 18:27
why would u want infinite?
why would u want to exist forever
infinite isnt always good thing
(*cough*tuck everlasting*cough*)
this idea of heaven feels like its tinged with the smell of rebel romans who wanted to entice followers with the unbelieveable
the ungraspable
the unimaginable
because perfect is such a complex rare and frightening quality that how could one strive for it
i wanna believe in God
but forever is impossible
but wait
isnt nothing forming something in to nothing impossible
the big bang
this idea that just i guess some matter got pissed off and exploded infinitely big?
ya that sounds more ridiculous
i go to saddleback
and its such shallow teaching of the bible
such a shallow way to create a relationship with this God
the deepest thing they said was that the united states wasnt gonna exist in the next hundred years
which was a new thought for my mom
my relationship with God isnt based on me wanting to go to heaven
me wanting a better life
cuz honestly, the worlds life of sin is a whole more appealing
dont die out....go out with a bang right?
but then again
in that churc
i just felt peace
maybe peace in the simpleness
but peace that there is a God who cares for me
i tested him last week
and He passed
but i'm not convinced
questions i have
1. should faith be based on proof of this rising of the dead of jesus? i dont think so..thousands of ppl were crucified...the power comes from the fact that jesus didnt have to be
2. pre-2000? so if jesus game at 0 AD....watt were the ppl believin before hand...they didnt have a bible
3. bible? it was chosen at a summit by a bunch of priests who through out ones they didnt like? how is this suppose to perfect? there are bound to be some mistakes..but it shouldnt take away from its power
4. and with that, should its interpretation be literal?
5. pre-destination? free will...haha.i think not
6. why would u want infinite?
to those who are reading
i really dont want answers from u
just letting u in on the state i'm in
i hit myself in the head with a tennis racquet
and now i got stiches