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Jan 19, 2006 22:32

This is What Salvation Must be Like After a While
Influenced by Bob Dylan and Ayn Rand

The truth is, I'm a very selfish person. I am not ashamed by what our culture would call a negative characteristic. My selfishness does not stem out of the lack of want to help and reach out, but from my own values, my own moral code; the want to advance myself, not aestically or materialistically, but mentally; the vindication of my future achievements. The wants, and even the achievements that stem from the wants can be broken down into multiple planes: Society and Love.

"Instead of learning to live, they are learning to die."
While driving, have you ever pulled up destered internsection home to a red stop light barring you from going any further. On a rainy night, the lights of the gas station, grocery store, bank and stop light become denatured, disfigured, and disenchanted in the most beautiful of ways. At that specific point in time you second guess your established belief, and say to yourself," Maybe this is a beautiful world afterall." As you ponder this thought, you have an epiphany, and epiphany that just makes you want simply lie down. Its not the gas station or stoplight or any other human achievement in sight, it's not the lights either. Better yet, its the concept housed within the lights and their transformation; the concept of energy and nature. Suddenly, you realize everything you have done, everything the human race has accomplished, is simply...wrong.
On the other hand, have you ever been so digusted with the human race, with war, with greed, with money, with corruption, with death, wilh violence, with death, with lies, that you think to yourself," This is what salvation must be like after awhile." Man, of course, has no inclination towards what are deemed to be evil deeds. He of course has choice, and with that choice comes the option of destruction, conscioussly or unconsciously. Whether in the presence of a divine entity or whilst acting as our own gods, the human race will eventually self destruct.
To believe that there will be a second chance, a second coming is absurd. There was no first coming, and now we are paying the price for illegitament faith and the ideas it produced. Lets stop praying for someone to save us, and save ourseleves.
This is not the way things are supposed to be. Acknowledging the fact that there never has been, is or will ever be a way, i am saying this in the sense that what we are doing is wrong. We have sacrificed to slavery our surroundings, in return for luxury and order, but eventually our environment will simply choose not to work for us, but to work against us. It is obvious that nature is more powerful and more beautiful then a human body, its hands, and what its hands create. Everything we do, everything we build, everything that man's two hands create must be in accordance with nature.
Of course while following that code of morality, one must give up luxury and materialism, and live a life of simplicity, modern primitivism, and hapiness.
I have never believed in God, and this moral code is a simple attempt to live in harmony with the cloest thing we have to a divine entity and to make this world more beautiful then any god ever could.

"I will stop the motor of the world."
Our world, in whichever way it was created, was meant to be a home not just for humans, but for animals and plants; none of the three being more important then the others. We were not created to be anything special, for some magnificant plan. The human race was created as individuals, just as plants and animals. If there is to be one creation to be made by God, the individual is it. The individual tree, the individual human, the individual animal; the individual is endowned with a power greater then the many. Communal government will be the death of individuality, of all human creation. Without the mind of powerful and creative individuals, society and government as we know it will crumble.
In the primitive simplistic society, one will no longer be responsible for the well being of others. I will no longer be my brothers keeper. The misfortune of others should simple be the misfourtune of others. The only help they recieve from me or anyone is the help we choose to give. We should not be legally forced to rehabilitate others.
Of course, the most glaring ideal, would be the ideal of no government. The truth is, I don't want to live forever.

Simply put, we are born without a purpose. When we reach the age of 18 or so, we have a vague grasp on a number of things or persons that we value, that we love, and that in turn, gives our life purpose. This of course, makes love essential to any fruitful life.
Ones life should be a culmination of experiences. Whatever you define living and life as, experience it as much as possible.
Such a big concept, one would think, would need a great deal more writing, but this is the end.

The truth is, I work for the culmination of my life.
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