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Mar 14, 2010 10:32

The biggest element in life today is Business.

It governs all fields, be it Art, Education, Music, Sport... Bureaucrats come in, splash their money, endorse their brands... And mind you the returns are multiplied exponentially. And you cannot get away from this fact, like it or not.

Cricket :

I was recently watching the IPL T20 inauguration, the people roped in to entertain, the studio members who analyze the game, the cheer girls who start off dancing for every boundary or wicket, and such other elements. You see the business element coming in to play quite naturally, because they want returns for every penny they have spent in organizing such an event. I see a businessman's perspective. Maximize Profits...

But think about the type of Cricket where players used to grace the field in traditional white colors and Cricket was widely known as a gentleman's game. Each one plays his part in the game, has a good game, shakes hands with the opponents and is off looking ahead to the next game. You win or you lose, but Cricket wins.

Do most people watch Test Cricket with the same level of enthusiasm nowadays like they used to earlier? Now it is slam-bang cricket, whether a player knows the game or not, whether a player has the necessary skills or not, he just has to go out there, belt a few deliveries out of the park, and bowl in a few slower deliveries try n catch some dot balls on the way...

What has cricket come to? Now people look at the cheer girls and they know if a batsman has scored a boundary... The inaugural ceremony had nothing to do with the spirit of cricket. Its not pure. Money talks everywhere and Cricket has started to talk in money terms instead of the good old spirit of a gentleman.

And Pakistani talent is not called to the IPL because of political elements, how dirtily and diplomatically they hushed up the questions raised at such outrageous decisions.

Money defeats Cricket.

IPL T20 is a "Businessman's game". Its sadly, not Cricket anymore.

Music :

"Rock in India" is an annual event where usually, the traditional metal bands are roped in to perform which is one of the styles of music fittingly used for this type of event.

But this time, seeing low profits acquired from such bands, because the metal fan base in India is pretty sparse compared to the large population which listens to other styles of music, they roped in some pop crooners, Backstreet Boys, for a rock event. 
And their argument is, its still music...but I see dirty money
And all they want in the end is really profits, because they know the classifications and population of the fan base in India.

Money defeats Music. The true spirit of Rock n Metal Music is dead.

These are only TWO OBVIOUS examples of a world largely CORRUPTED by money, and they are engulfing two largely pure forms, Cricket and Music.

If I could, I'd simply lift these Motherfuckers of Business Administration (yes, that's MBA) and restore the heydays in Music and Cricket.
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