About the latest LJ kerfuffle...

Sep 01, 2010 21:32

I'm doing the obligatory DON'T LINK TO MY  FLOCKED ENTRIES, OR COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE IN MY FLOCKED ENTRIES, to facebook or Twitter, post. In fact, don't even link to the unlocked ones. Not a lot of you guys are friends with me on Facebook, so I won't worry too much about that, but just in case you're thinking about doing it. Most of my Twitter feed ( Read more... )

rant, facebook, fail, oh man oh god, real life, lj, wtf, life, what is this fuckery, friends, no fuck no!

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themistoklis September 1 2010, 20:03:17 UTC
I have a Facebook but I'm never actually logged in, and I will be extra special careful if I am not to crosspost anything. I feel exactly the same way about the FB/LJ divide as you do.

Also I totally use Internet Explorer too >___> I am resistant to change (on my computer)!


iamashamed September 1 2010, 20:09:07 UTC

lolll I hate change as well ngl.


themistoklis September 1 2010, 21:07:38 UTC

I tried to swich to Firefox once, when I was mad at IE for being buggy, but Firefox refused to import my favorites/bookmarks! And I have A LOT of them o_o So I gave up and IE stopped being buggy and I'm still on it lol.


paperdays September 1 2010, 22:57:22 UTC
www.xmarks.com It uploads all your bookmarks to the interwebs and makes it so that you can view them from any computer. It automatically syncs. You can make it sync with anything. IE crashes and loses all your bookmarks? It still has them. It's saved my ass at least once. (Like for example if you get a new computer.) It used to just be for Firefox but it looks like it works with IE now. You can even have it sync with IE and then open Firefox, download the application, and make it sync there too so that you have the same bookmarks in both browsers.

Fo' real.

I also like Lazarus, but I won't get into all my add-ons. ;)


themistoklis September 2 2010, 00:47:29 UTC
Thank you! I will definitely think about using that. Usually I just back up my favorites at the end of each week. I'll have to poke around Firefox a bit and see if I like the handling any more than I used to.


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