About the latest LJ kerfuffle...

Sep 01, 2010 21:32

I'm doing the obligatory DON'T LINK TO MY  FLOCKED ENTRIES, OR COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE IN MY FLOCKED ENTRIES, to facebook or Twitter, post. In fact, don't even link to the unlocked ones. Not a lot of you guys are friends with me on Facebook, so I won't worry too much about that, but just in case you're thinking about doing it. Most of my Twitter feed ( Read more... )

rant, facebook, fail, oh man oh god, real life, lj, wtf, life, what is this fuckery, friends, no fuck no!

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wheatear September 1 2010, 19:51:15 UTC
I don't really get any of this, but if you disable the pingback feature, I think that should prevent anyone from linking your stuff? I dunno.


iamashamed September 1 2010, 19:52:54 UTC
I am confused as well, all I know it what I've posted here, lol.


azurelunatic September 2 2010, 08:41:40 UTC
(wandering over from, hilariously enough, a pingback)

Nope, separate features. Pingback is an automatic comment from pingback_bot saying, essentially, "Hi! iamashamed just linked to your public entry! Thought you'd like to know!" (assuming we both have pingbacks turned on, and both entries were public at the time the ping was sent).

The Facebook/Twitter thing is "Hi! You know me and love me on Facebook/Twitter; I'm sure you'd love to know that I just made an entry/comment on LiveJournal, because all of my Facebook/Twitter friends know where my LJ is and care about the stuff I write entries about, and also would like to follow me around and reply to my comments in the journals of complete strangers!"


wheatear September 2 2010, 20:22:10 UTC
Yeah, I realised they were separate when I read the news post again. BUT I STILL DON'T GET IT.

I mean, I've disabled pingbacks. So how did you get a pingback?

And for Facebook/Twitter, does it post any of your actual entry/comment or just link to it? And will it link to comments by other people in friends-locked posts? So many questions.


azurelunatic September 2 2010, 21:20:22 UTC
I have been hearing that people who have disabled pingbacks have still been getting them, which is worrisome.

But in theory, how it's supposed to ideally work:

Anna and Bit both have pingbacks turned on.
Anna makes a pretty awesome public post.
Bit sees the post, says "ooh! Everyone who reads me must go read Anna's post!" and makes a post linking to Anna.
pingback_bot says, "Ooh! A link! I wonder if it's my turn to go play?" *checks post security, public, check* *checks pingback settings, both on, check*
pingback_bot goes to Anna's post and says, "Psst, Bit linked to you here: [link] [quote of at least part of post for context] ISN'T THIS AWESOME ( ... )


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