Title: Yeah, so? Author: lovemyfaceoff Rating: PG Pairings: Matt/Mohinder Warnings: Slash Summary: This is a Christmas present for Aunt_Zelda who requested a 'Molly has two daddies' fic with teasing and homophobes.
I like how you used each little episode to demonstrate the homophobia and the reaction. It worked really well. The only part I didn't quite get was the ending, which felt a bit too abrupt. Other than that, I adored this.
I like this very much, little tastes into scenes and thought processes. Consider doing a positive follow up? We never see Matt really benefiting from his ability, thank goodness he has Molly and Mohinder or else his life would be a huge headache.
Ok, first of all: *BIG HUG* KENSAI APPROVAL doesn't begin to cover this. Really. I LOVE YOU. Please do more fics like these. PLEASE. ~~<3 x99 (heart balloons
( ... )
Yey!!! I'm so glad you like it. ♥ *snuggles ya* I'm almost healthy again, so hopefully you won't get sick!
mhm, I came home crying as a kid too often. I was teeny, had glasses, a lisp and a rash. It was not fun. -hugs- Poor you! *huggles* A boy once called me 'boobless' when I was eleven, but my mom helped with the afterschool program and scared the bejeesus out of him! Stupid-little-short-white-wannabe-gangsta ...
(Your icon ... all I want for Christmas is Sirius/Lupin to be canon.)
Aww, I love it. They make such a cute family and Molly standing up for her two dads is just wonderful. I love how you use each episode to show the progression of Matt and Molly accepting that some people will just always be like that.
Comments 12
Thanks for sharing!
Great sunday morning wake up! Thanks!
KENSAI APPROVAL doesn't begin to cover this. Really. I LOVE YOU. Please do more fics like these. PLEASE.
~~<3 x99 (heart balloons ( ... )
mhm, I came home crying as a kid too often. I was teeny, had glasses, a lisp and a rash. It was not fun.
*snuggles ya* I'm almost healthy again, so hopefully you won't get sick!
mhm, I came home crying as a kid too often. I was teeny, had glasses, a lisp and a rash. It was not fun.
Poor you! *huggles* A boy once called me 'boobless' when I was eleven, but my mom helped with the afterschool program and scared the bejeesus out of him! Stupid-little-short-white-wannabe-gangsta ...
(Your icon ... all I want for Christmas is Sirius/Lupin to be canon.)
haha Cannon Sirius/lupin would be a great christmas present.
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