Naturally, I thought of some more stories for you after I posted.
Snake-dog: No, this wasn't one of the critters that invaded the girls' dorm, though it was born near there. See, one of our counselors got into balloon animals last year, and he kept it up this year. Another counselor decided to try his hand at an animal. It...was...curious, to say the least, and basically had one end that sort of resembled a dog and another that sort of resembled a snake since it wasn't twisted up. And he kept adding to it, like he got out another balloon and started twisting it with the first balloon, and basically no matter what he did, the balloon didn't really look like anything. But we loved it just the same.
The same (original) balloon-loving counselor is an interesting guy who luckily matured a bit in the past year. He is definitely his own person and has his own sense of style. I was joking with him that if he ever found a girl who liked him as is, he should hold on to her, and he mentioned that he did have a girlfriend. On Saturday, before the concert, he brought her over to meet me. I thought that was cute. She's definitely her own person as well, but she seems nice, and they definitely work well together. Did I mention he was one of my students?
What was funny is that one of the dads this year was a student of the founding camp director who died a number of years ago. We discovered he was too old to have ever attended camp as a camper (he graduated 8th grade in '85, and camp started in '87), but he would have been the right age to be a counselor, and he was a little miffed when he realized he was never asked. Sorry, dude. But he did end up helping out this year--he's a drummer, and he worked with A Band during some (if not all) of their sectionals, which was pretty cool. Consider the sectional counselors were a flutist and a rookie; they needed a little extra help.
I mentioned I was sick, and as you probably know a head cold includes having your ears get stuffed up along with your sinuses since they're all connected. I haven't heard properly in a week and a half. We had an issue with our tuner for A Band and before rehearsal one day I walked over to it and whistled a pitch to make sure it would register. It did, and I was sharp. I was a little disappointed by that but thought that maybe the cold had something to do with it. Aha--but wait! Mr. M had adjusted the tuner's pitch down to A-438 because it would be an easier pitch to hold for our younger-skewing band compared to A-440. Since I'm used to A-440, naturally I would be sharp to it. Heh. I'm such a dork. Two cents up or down isn't that big of an adjustment, but I recalled Mr. M discussing moving the pitch down with us and he started talking about A-435, and I just sat there wincing. That's just too much. That's far enough off that even a layman would go, you need to adjust that.
Sorry, I probably should have prefaced that with *MUSIC DORK ALERT*.
I think one of my favorite additions this year was sidewalk chalk, care of the other senior counselor. We have a lot of pavement at camp and a number of artistic people, so it's one of those things we probably should have thought of years ago. I didn't get pictures of everything, but here are two of my favorite drawings:
This one was at the top of the hill and was one of the first uses of the chalk. I chose it as the cover picture for the main camp album this year.
These roses were outside the cafeteria on Friday. Unfortunately, I think the rain washed them away a short time later.
For more pictures, please check out my
collection for this year. There are four albums total.