Jun 24, 2007 08:36
Okay. So. I'm totally thinking about the perm account. I do use LJ a lot--hello--and it might be nice to support them. I don't know that I would honestly use all the features, but I might be interested in the userpics. I don't know.
I *was* going to ask the paid and plus account users what they thought about those particular accounts--worth it?--and you're free to tell me your thoughts on the situation. But now something else has come up.
See, in my three years here, I've come across a number of icons I've liked, or I've made some, but I didn't want to store them on my computer. I have a Yahoo! account, Yahoo! has a photo storage module, I stored the pics there. So, in thinking about userpics, I decided to see what I have stored. I haven't been there in a while. It's also where I keep camp pics and photos my friends have sent.
I have received a shock to the system. Yahoo! Photos will be no more come September. Erk.
Now, I have a CRAPLOAD of camp pics on there, and last year I was in the process of tagging them all. I'd planned on going back and playing with them at some point in the future, but I probably haven't touched them in months. I had no idea the module was being discontinued. You'd think they'd have emailed everyone about it, but no. So I'm a little mad right about now. They are offering to ship the photos to five different hosting sites, including Flickr. See, Yahoo! runs Flickr. They'd rather put all their time and energy into one module instead of two. Understandable. But that's a pain in the ass for someone like me, who has 800+ pictures stored. Flickr only allows you something like 200 pictures before you can't see them anymore. Like, you can see the 200 most recent pictures, and if you've linked to them elsewhere they'll still show up, but you have to have a paid account to have access to all of them. Bugger. So now I'm looking at shelling out more money.
Since the majority of the pictures I have on Yahoo! are camp-based, it would almost make sense for me to have a strictly camp-only site. I've thought about it. But then I'd have to pay for that, and possibly pay for my own, and I'm not sure I'd want to do that. I'll have to look into it. *sigh*
So, this was not what I was expecting to deal with this morning, particularly so close to when I've gotten up. Any thoughts, peanut gallery?