365 Facts: #3 (Nicknames)

Jan 03, 2007 20:09

The majority of my nicknames have all been based off my surname (which, sorry, I won't put here...but if you dig, you can find it). I'll go into nationality tomorrow, but I'll say it's difficult to pronounce based off spelling, even though it's short. Calling me by a nickname tends to be easier. Therefore, I've been the Happy Woodchuck, Wosocki, and (more common since college) Wochicken. That last one is closest to my name's pronunciation. And, since it includes "chicken," I've had not one, but two dances created for me that are like variations of the Chicken Dance. One came from my friend, Julius; the other, from a guy named Mark that I knew from band/choir/music classes but didn't know very well (though I suspect he liked me...hmm...). I believe I even have pictures of them performing said dances; perhaps I'll dig them up sometime in the future. Other nicknames include the ever-popular Jen or Jen (Surname), to differentiate me from other Jens (not so hard to do now that I'm not in school). I had a friend from camp who called me Girl Scout because I always seemed to bring *everything* (no, it wasn't girl scout camp; it was still band camp). Several of you know me as Cinderella. My parents also had nicknames for me, like Boo Boo (dad) and Pudge (mom--and you guys wonder why I have issues with my mother). My grandmother calls me Missy Moo II (mom was the original). My little cousin also gets called that, and I was mad when I first heard grandma call her that, saying, hey, I'm Missy Moo! That's when my mother chimed in, no, *I'm* Missy Moo! Therefore, we're all Missy Moos. No, I have no idea where grandma came up with the name. I think it means we're being a little bossy, a little self-assured.

365 facts, names

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