I've been meaning to pull some stuff out of my trunk. It's been there for two years--it was teaching-related materials. I knew I had staff paper there, but forgot what all else was there. Ha, now I know--all of my reeds from when I worked at the music store. Since I had to play-test instruments, I kept reeds for them (mainly oboe and clarinet, but there were bass clarinet and bassoon reeds as well). And since nobody else was going to use them, I got to take them with me when I left. I discovered a half-dozen oboe reeds! Wow.
I was reading the paper earlier when I came across an article on Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, which is tomorrow. I remembered
the email I received regarding an entry I made last year, and I wondered whatever happened with the article. (If you're not clicking the link, I referred to TOD&STWD in an entry; a reporter found the entry and emailed me a month ago. It turned out she was looking for adult women who'd participated and now are working themselves.)
Here is the finished article. I am not in it, though I didn't think I'd be. I didn't participate in the day, and I think it's a waste to pull kids out of school for something that can be done on a day off or over the summer. But, anyway, I figured I'd give an update.
Work has been even slower than usual. Can you believe we didn't even make $250 on Monday? H.O. even called to check the amount today. Even odder, the district manager called to *congratulate* us on our numbers. Um, do you mean our BR numbers? No--he meant our sales figures. When I asked why, he said, well, because you've made $3000 this week. I told him, no, we didn't. He asked if I was looking at the right numbers, basically. Why, yes; yes, I am. I don't know what numbers he has, but they're off--we hadn't hit $2300, much less $3K. And it was still very slow today, as well. Bah.