Nov 19, 2024 22:45
It's been pretty warm this fall, relatively speaking. We've mostly been above normal for November. Today, we hit about 60F. We should be in the 40s. That's due to change starting tomorrow--the S word, snow, is being bandied about--but up until now it's been pretty nice. Last week, our rose bush had its third rose of the season growing; it appears to have blown off over the weekend. And then on Friday, I looked outside and wondered, am I seeing a mushroom, or is there a loaf of bread outside? Dad has this old stump where he keeps his ax and will chop wood or whatever, and one of our plastic owls keeps perching there, and around the base of the owl, sure enough, we had large lobes of mushrooms growing up around it. Pretty wild. I think that's due to the rain we'd had recently; it kindled whatever is dying in the log. Dad thought it was a leaf, which I suppose was plausible, but it's big enough that it would have taken several leaves, even from the big sycamore, to make the mushrooms we have over there.