Sep 06, 2024 21:34
The time was nigh.
About 8 AM, when I was going to go up and take my shower, I saw a tree trimming truck parked in front of our house. I said something and was told, the neighbors are trimming the tree today, and the new fence is going up next week. ...Oh? Did you talk to them? No, I was told; they sent us a letter. And dad handed it over, and it was sort of a CYA thing in case something...happened with my father, I'm guessing, basically documenting that we were informed that this was happening, that the neighbors had double-checked with the police department that this was okay, that sort of thing.
I went up to take my shower and kept hearing the sliding door opening and closing. Oh great, what is he doing? Per mom, dad was out there watching the activity, but when I went downstairs to leave, he was fixing himself a bowl of oatmeal with a hybrid plum-apricot, since he's not supposed to eat jelly. Mom had asked me to stay home for as long as the trimmers were there, and I said no. This has been a very long week at work and there's a lot of stuff to be done.
My coworkers, by the way, are very invested in this story. The office manager has gleefully awaited any updates. He listens to true crime podcasts, so I'm sure he's waiting for the day that the story makes it there. Gee, thanks. But nothing came to pass that I'm aware of; the branches got trimmed, and it's a bit lighter when you look through it, but the branches on our side remain. Also, when I explained the whole telling versus asking thing to DW, he was like, yeah, that's not okay to say you're going to do this rather than asking if it's okay! So he's on dad's side.
At this point, it's done and over with, and that's a big relief. I don't know how cooperative he's going to be when the fence gets replaced, as we have stuff abutting their fence. I may broach the topic over the weekend to see if he needs help moving anything out of the way.