Puffy goes poof

Jul 26, 2024 21:10

It's official: Puffy is leaving.

I've known this was a possibility for months. She has a teaching degree but earned it during the pandemic, and her first teaching gigs were online, which were not representative of actually teaching, and she quickly left that career and did other things, including coming to my job a couple years ago. However, as one of only two people to live on her own amongst our main coworkers, she wasn't earning enough to really sustain herself, and she had to think about what else she could do. She ended up getting certified to teach high school math, and in the past couple of weeks landed an interview (actually two), got hired, and got school credentials; next week, she does a bit of orientation. She officially starts on the 12th. (She'd gotten a second interview after getting the offer from the first place she interviewed but ultimately went with the first place.)

She ended up using me as a job reference, one of the things that had come up during our long talks after work on Tuesdays when nobody else was around. So, since the spring, I knew she could be leaving come this point in time. She didn't say anything to anyone else because it wasn't a sure thing. Until she had a job in hand, what was the point? Plus, both of us feared what BBC would do. Their relationship is similar to mine and Dr. K's, with BBC being me, and he has not reacted well to other things in the past. She finally told him about it a week ago Friday and he did take it well, except that he was disappointed not to hear about the situation sooner. Dude, we didn't want you to be a mopey-butt, mad at both of us and making work uncomfortable. He's been through worse, though, and she will still be in the general area, so that tempers any sadness.

She already was looking at moving. Her current place isn't all that great and is on the expensive side, so she will be looking at someplace closer to her new job. Given that it's over an hour away, a move toward that direction would be in her best interest.

Today was the day she broke the news to our boss, who took it pretty well. He too can be a wild card with certain things; if he was not in a great mood, he might have reacted differently. But she is looking at continuing to work on Saturdays, given that she doubles as a room renter and has clients to think about, plus her skills in the other building are unmatched. This would be the big reason I wasn't looking forward to her leaving, as she has brought much-needed help to that part of our business. BBC needs no more work on his plate, but it is what it is.

I only really have one more week with her, since her final full week is when I'm off. She's been great to have around and we've really gotten along, and part of me hopes we keep in touch. And, I'm going to miss her dog. She's been great to have around too, very calming. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the dragon, but she doesn't give hugs. The dog gives hugs in her own way, even if it's simply by pressing up hard against your legs. That occasional presence is one I'll miss as well.


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