Jun 21, 2024 22:27
So I have a new coworker. He's 24. He's been a big help to me and he's a fast learner, game for whatever I throw at him.
Yesterday, I had him working on a project to mail things out to clients. This task had multiple components to it, including a form letter that needed to be personalized for each individual client. That went okay for the most part, but there were a few letters that needed to be redone, either because he had the wrong client name, or else he kept the template letter as-is and didn't change the color of the font--different colors to make it obvious as to what wording needed to be fixed for each person--and, since the printer only prints in black and while, there were missing words and phrases on the letters.
Then we came to addressing the envelopes. Having gone through this with last year's helper, I walked him through a few things, reminding him to use his best printing and to put the one address up in the upper left corner and the other address in the middle. And make sure you have the envelope right side up.
When he showed me his first envelope to double-check things, I realized I forgot to mention one crucial thing: Which address goes where. He'd put our address in the middle instead of the return address spot. Sweetie, no. That's going to come back to us. You want it to go out to the client. At least it was only the one envelope, and he hadn't stamped it yet, so I told him to recycle it and start over. Things went better after that, but dang. Dude's gotta write more letters.