Sep 23, 2021 07:31
This week's minor excitements at work:
--Someone my boss knows came in on Tuesday to let us know it's Moon Festival time, and to celebrate, one either eats mooncakes, or they moon each other, and he didn't want us to resort to the latter. (!) He brought us a tin meant for my boss' wife, but suggested sharing with employees; the tin held four cakes, but he said they're sweet and fatty and terrible for you, but once a year it's fine, and it's best to quarter them anyway. It's dense with a filling that made me think of marzipan with honey, and something bright orange-yellow in the very center that was hard to place at first before I went, is that egg yolk? A search said it was bean paste, and indeed a duck egg is also involved. That was pretty cool. Thank you, sir.
--One of our longtime neighbors is moving. They won't go far, but they'll be out of the office park, somewhere with better parking and more room for them. It's a bummer because they've been there the whole time I've worked here; the other two dock neighbors have changed at least once. And they've been good neighbors, too. However, DW, who'd shared this news with me, said that they already know who is moving in--the bakery! We're speculating that they're not moving entirely, but perhaps adding a second building for more space, or maybe special order pickups or something. Intriguing. Also, dang, the yummy smell will be moving closer. That could be dangerous.
--Speaking of dangerous, I've mentioned that I work near a high school, and it just so happens that they were on lockdown yesterday. As I was nearing it, I could see police lights flashing in what appeared to be the right lane. There's a slight hill at that intersection, and I was multiple cars back in line, so it wasn't until I crossed the street that I could see the cars were off the road, blocking the entrances into the school--the teacher lot, the bus lot, and the student lot. Few cars were there. There was even a police car parked in the grass on the corner of the back side of the school. Yikes, what is going on? Well, some idiot made a bomb threat, so school ultimately was canceled, but in an auto-call in the afternoon we learned nothing was found and the investigation is ongoing. Scary. Oddly enough, another school was also under lockdown due to a bank robbery nearby, so what a fun day for that school district.
--Finally, a couple months ago I heard my boss and the manager talking about an acquaintance of the business. It sounded like they were planning some sort of party for him, but they never said any more about it to me. Then yesterday, one of our room renters showed me a Facebook post on the business' page and she asked, who was this person? I went, oh, they must be talking about the party. And then some random person sent the business a message offering condolences. Wait, what? I did a little searching and sure enough, the acquaintance had passed away back in May. Oh, wow. I can't claim to have known him that well, but I knew him well enough that it's news they should've shared. That was a bummer, to find out in that fashion.