Apr 10, 2021 21:13
Initially, I was going to have the house to myself this morning. Dad had his friend's memorial service; mom was supposed to have a chiropractor appointment. Alas, her appointment was canceled. Oh well. What that meant for her was that she got to join her friend's online Zumba class. She had met up with several of the Red Hats last week Friday, and one or two of them had participated in an in-person class before the pandemic, and like many activities it subsequently moved online. This is good, because I think one of those ladies is moving to Florida but can still participate. It's at 9:30 Saturday mornings, so we missed it last week since we were grocery shopping. This week, I stayed upstairs and worked on stuff with the door closed and a couple episodes of Little House to keep me company, and I had no idea if she was doing the class or not; she set up her computer in the dining room so she could have a bit of space plus a clean room behind her. I'm actually relieved I didn't hear anything. She can be a heavy walker, for one.
That doesn't mean the house was silent all day. Our neighbor was outside doing something noisy at one point, and mom yelled up to me, what are you doing?! She thought I was jumping on the bed or something. Uh, I don't know, ask our neighbor--the noise isn't coming from inside the house. But thanks for thinking of me.
Dad's friend's service went okay. He died at his farm in Wisconsin and they don't have the exact cause of death just yet; it takes a few weeks up there. Dad explained that the mailman noticed his mail piling up, so he mentioned something to a neighbor who did a check on him. Andy was found in his barn, sitting in a chair. At first dad said he wasn't known to be sick, but at the luncheon after I guess his brother mentioned he maybe had something going on? Then again, this is the brother who hadn't spoken with him in a while, so who knows. Dad had called from the cemetery to let us know he was going out afterward. What was a little odd was that the burial was at Maryhill Cemetery in Niles, one of the line of cemeteries along Milwaukee Avenue, but instead of going to the White Eagle, they went to the Jolly Club. That's right by my grandma's, in my old neighborhood, and not especially close to Niles. The White Eagle needed reservations, and so many people, and a down payment, whereas the Jolly Club did not--and it sounded like the place was packed, yikes. Thank goodness dad reached two weeks out from his second vaccine yesterday. It'll still be worth watching him for the next couple weeks because you never know. But he did at least enjoy seeing a few of his friends and getting to spend time with them.
red hat society,
memorial service