Jul 07, 2020 21:10
Mom turned on the exhaust fan in her bathroom the other day and went exclaiming to my dad, it's cooler when the fan's on! Dad went, well yeah; it's drawing up the cool air and circulating it.
This was mom's thought process: I have a fan in my room! I can run it at all times and keep cool!
Yeah...no. Bad mom.
She ran it for a long time on Sunday. She ran it for a long time yesterday. She fell asleep with it on, which I know, because I used the bathroom before bed, heard the fan, went in her room to ask if she was awake, got no answer, and turned the fan off. This morning, I said to her, you know, you shouldn't leave the fan running for hours; she naturally pooh-poohed me, because clearly I know absolutely nothing and have no knowledge about anything.
Okay, let's ask Professor Google: I found two different answers saying not to let the exhaust fan run for more than 20 minutes, lest things overheat and, you know, potentially become a fire hazard. I took a picture of my findings on my phone and sent it to both my parents so that dad was aware I'd done it. I mean, I'm sure he knows. He'd offered to get her a fan from the basement, and she declined, because she had this great fan in her room the whole time!
(He ended up bringing her said fan after dinner. It's been running ever since. Well...okay, until the power went out a couple times as there's a storm nearby and it's super windy outside. COME ON RAIN. Baby needs the lawn watered.)
Meanwhile, my parents left the house before I did. Grandma's had an issue with her sliding door to her balcony and dad wanted to check it out, convinced he could fix it. Grandma had a handyman come by--someone at least dad's age, if not older--and the man wasn't able to fix the issue, though at least he got it closed. The door had opened, but she couldn't shut it. I think she called the property management who thought she was simply a little old lady who couldn't close it herself, and the girl who answered basically said, uh, maybe you could ask a neighbor? No, there was something more to it, a problem in the track area, but the handyman's concern was that the flooring went in after the door was put in, and it's higher, and the potential fix might involve sawing away part of the floor.
Dad: Hold my beer.
There was a problem with one of the wheels under the door, and my dad, handy guy that he is, was able to swing the door out toward the balcony, take it off, fix the wheel, and put it back. Now, having the door off the tracks when you're on the fifth floor of a building and it's 90+F outside may not *seem* ideal, but in a socially distanced time, mom was excited that all the germs were getting blown out of the room, so it was safer for them to be there. Whatever works, mom. They all wore masks, but I'm sure grandma was excited to have people over for the first time in a while--well, people she knew and invited and weren't entirely there to fix things. Bonus for dad, his buddy who lives not far from there had fixed dad's ax and called him last night to say, hey, when can we meet up? Dad got to go, funny story... And bonus for me, they went to Burger King on the way home. Mom got a regular burger--not sure if it was a Whopper or something else--and an Impossible Whopper to try it. She only ate half of the latter and left the rest for me. Not bad. I'd eat it again, preferably warm. Also, mom mentioned that grandma was wearing one of the masks I'd made, so that was nice. Too bad she didn't get me a picture of it!
(Also, it's rather quiet right now...like the wind AND mom's fan have both stopped...come on, where's my rain?)
power outage,