Jun 11, 2020 19:52
My week still isn't that great, but at least I've been in more of a mood to do things. I did watch TV in the morning yesterday, but in the afternoon, I cut out patterns for several masks. I'd wanted to make a few more for myself, and YC had requested one, so now they are ready to be pinned and stitched for whenever I get around to it. I did start working on a basic rectangular one yesterday, and almost finished it; I only had to sew one side this morning and it's ready to be washed. I also started on YC's mask. She is also getting a basic rectangular one, since those are fairly quick to sew, but unlike the one I made for myself, she is not getting an elastic band to go around her head; she is getting a tie so she can adjust it. Also, because she is so petite, I am thinking about sewing pleats into her mask so she can have a better fit. With the elastic bands--have I explained these? They're old headbands that didn't work on my head, like gigantic ponytail holders, and they're just sitting around unusued--they sort of scrunch up the sides anyway, so I haven't sewn pleats into them. Saves time, plus this also leaves a pocket to insert a filter if I so choose. I need to sew up her tie first, which will take a while, and see if it'll go into the side channels before I commit to putting pleats on hers. I need to be sure the tie can move freely within the channel.
Today is my last free weekday. I work tomorrow, and I go back to a five-day workweek next week. I'm not super excited about that; I've liked having days off. It is still part-time, so that's good, but come July, I have Hell Week and I need to prep for that. Thank goodness no day should be longer than seven hours at that time, even if I do have to work six days that week. At least I will be earning back some of the hours I've lost, and YC is excited to gain back the hours we've missed working together.
The weather was nice today; it's been hot and stormy this week, earlier, so sun and a nice breeze made me want to take a walk. Mom and I did got out for about 45 minutes, and to a neighborhood we don't normally visit, south of us, so it was nice to see something different. There weren't a whole lot of trees so it was sunny, and I purposely didn't put on any sunscreen--ironic, given part of what I wrote up yesterday--so I have some mild color on my shoulders and back. Not too bad. But even though I know better, I just didn't feel like getting all gross. Mom sounded happy to get out, too, and it's possible we'll continue this by walking once I get home from work, or maybe on the weekend. That would be nice. To go from being outdoors two days a week in the summer to barely leaving my house, that's not healthy, and getting out into nature helps clear my mind. I need that right now. I need that pretty badly.
arts & crafts,