Jul 04, 2017 18:34
It's been a somewhat quiet day at home, interspersed with the neighbors blowing off fireworks on occasion. Guys, it's still light outside. Wait a while, will you?
Actually, at one point it wasn't *that* quiet inside. Mom had mailed in a check for their main credit card, but it didn't get received; she discovered this last week when the card was declined as she went to get gas. Oy. She then sent in both last month's payment and this month's and has been calling every day to check her balance, which was up around $3000. (The limit is higher, but only if you make at least a minimum payment each month.) This morning, she called, and the balance was less than a tenth of that, prompting excitement from the household--except she kept listening to the recording, on speakerphone, and when one of us would say something, it would register and the voice would say something like, I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Seriously, mom, your first thing should be to stop listening to the phone on speaker. We're not talking to grandma here. And the second, once you heard your balance was down to two-something (hundred, not thousand), why did you need to keep listening? She let it go three or four times before hanging up. I'd maybe listen to it a second time to make sure I heard it right, then be done. But whatever.
Speaking of listening to things and being helpful, shortly before that, dad decided to erase the message we'd gotten last night from the Amvets lady. Except I think he just pressed "erase" instead of listening to the message first, and he erased everything we had on the machine. Great. I don't know that there was anything important on there, especially for me, but still. And he's the most technological of all of us. This does not bode well.
Both of my parents promptly went out and spent money today, now that the credit card was reinstated. Dad at least bought food items for tonight's dinner. Mom bought more clothes she doesn't need, then proceeded to play model for me. I need to figure out a way to tie her down and make her get rid of like half her crap. Some hoarders have piles of newspapers all over the place. My mom will have piles of Lauren Conrad and Vera Wang items.
We're debating about going down to watch the fireworks tonight. Dad refuses; it would just be me and mom. Now that I know you can't see very well from our house anymore, I'd rather just go down to the field where they go off, and the weather likely will cooperate. Mom's all, you walk too fast! You have to walk slower! No, you're a turtle and you need to keep up with me. Besides, exercise is good for you. So…we'll see. Her other concern is that her bedtime is normally about when we'd be leaving (I said 8 or 8:30), but I told her I'd bring a blanket to sit on and she could nap on that until it starts. She joked that I'd be bringing a pack 'n' play for her. Well, whatever works.
fourth of july,