Mar 12, 2016 18:47
I got an email last night from my cellphone provider. I have a pay-as-you-go phone, which has served me well over the years; it's an electronic security blanket and that's about all. I've never been much of a phone person, and as my hearing has not improved over the years, combined with the rest of America's insistence on doing less and less business with landline phones, I have grown to greatly detest cellphones. They have their purposes, but seriously, why do people feel the need to be in touch with everyone constantly? How annoying. And, seriously, cellphone reception sucks. This goes double for people who insist on using speakerphone all the time. Yeah, really, the things you are calling me about are not so important that they can't wait for you to get inside a building and away from a moving car. But I digress.
For a number of years now, I've bought a one-year card for my phone, meaning I buy this card, and I'm done spending money on it for the next year. There are X amount of minutes that come with the card, but considering I use maybe 20 minutes a year, they've been accumulating for some time. I buy the card in April. So, when I got an "IMPORTANT NOTICE"-type of email last night, that's what I thought it was about. Instead, it turns out that my cellphone, which I've had for over a decade, I believe, and was brand new technology circa 2002, is officially obsolete. It's on a 2G network, which is being phased out, and I'm pretty much being forced into getting a new phone. This isn't exactly how I wanted this to end, but I suppose I knew it had to happen eventually.
I broke the news to my parents this morning. Dad had asked if I'd looked at phones, and I jokingly said I was so traumatized by the news that I immediately went to bed. It is something I've been thinking about in the past year, to be honest with you, but as I told him this morning, it's sort of like when I bought my car: It's something I *have* to do. I don't have a choice. I did go looking earlier today, so I have an idea of what's available to me, and I'm sort of thinking I might as well get one of the top of the line models. If I have this one as long as I had the other one, it might serve me pretty well. Then again, who knows, maybe this phone will crap out on me quickly, because who makes quality phones these days. I don't know. I just know that I'm not interested in a refurbished phone, which is something available, nor do I want a flip phone, because I'm not 80. If they had a slider-style phone with a keyboard, that might interest me even though I know they're older, but I didn't see that. Touchscreen it is. My parents are excited at the thought of me texting. I have never sent a text in my life. My dad was all, I could text you at work! Yeah, no! I'm not going to have it on there! I answer a phone--it is extraordinarily easy to reach me by phone. Whether or not I have time to talk is another thing, but believe me, calling me is plenty simple.
So...yeah. Not sure how I feel about this, but what the heck. If this is the biggest change my life brings me this year, I should just go with it.