Oct 17, 2007 00:04
I absolutely hate sitting down to the computer geared up and ready to write about - well, anything really when suddenly the same hyper-active crank smoking muse that gave me a poke with the mental equivalent of a cow-prod suddenly up's and leaves me hanging like the equally poor victim of a K.K.K sponsored company picnic.
(le' huff)
Right then, I'm a little aggrivated at the moment.
15 Things To Remember While at Disneyland
La Migra - Immigration!
GODZILLA - A giant lizard with a penchant for all things Tokyo
1. Wear Sunscreen - Smog does not act as an ozone bandaid
2. Manners Never Matter - Selective hearing prevents others from hearing erego returning your, utlimately feeble, attempts at politeness
3. Churro's - Learn to appreciate other sugary cuisine as you'll almost never find a well stocked vendor
4. Rides - A three minute ride, however fun, does not excuse a fourty-five minute wait
5. Stairs - Run as soon as spotted, they'll only prolong your stand-by agony
6. Liquid Refreshments - Always choose 'drink' over food, as both are expensive and unless you're Mary Kate or Ashely Olsen you will never be able to afford both. Of course, being the one, you may not want to (you'll have to forgive my use of dated pop culture references - I'm tired)
7. Knock Off Bank - To be read in conjunction with number six
8. Racial Bigotry - Is OK!
9. Asians - If your progress, while either in line or in transit to a previously designated location, is impeded and or delayed by a mass Japanese Exodus, point and scream: 'GODZILLA!' Smile as mass chaos ensues, the way is now clear.
10. Mexicans - If your progress, while either in line or in transit to a previously designated location, is impeded and or delayed by a mass Mexican Exodus, point and scream: 'La Migra!' Smile as mass chaos ensues, the way is now clear.
11. Socks - Can be used as a makeshift gag...
12. Children - Refer to number eleven
13. Reproduction - and or the organs involved are NOT a kosher conversational topic while at Disneyland
14. Break A Leg - A wheelchair is the ultimate fast pass
15. 'The Happiest Place on Earth' - This is a misonmer, as you'll most likely see 'children' crying, 'parents' swearing, and 'asians' shoving. The happiest place on earth would have none of the above.