'Tut-tut, it looks. Like. Pain.'

Oct 15, 2007 02:35

Imagine for a moment that, that lovable fluff filled bear we all know and love were to make an appearance in Konami's upcoming 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Rise of The Patriots.'

Snake: It's just you and me now, and I'll be damned if I'm going to end up like Sir-Hops-A-Lot.

Liquid Honey: (fingering the hastily made blood stained charm around his neck) Rabbit got careless.

Snake: uh, about that - the next time you find yourself hiding in a box surrounded by a host of hostile enemy combatants, try to fight the urge to egg them on . . .

Liquid Honey: 'I'm just a little black box now . . .'

Snake: That's exactly what I'm talking about!

Liquid Honey: (cups his paws before his mouth shielding a small flame) If there's anything my stint in the hundred acre woods taught me, it's this: Sometimes (begins puffing on the newly resurrected stump of a cigar) when death is staring at you in the face, smiling, all you can do (puff) is smile back. . .and sing.'

Snake: Never mind. (sigh) Well, it's time.

Liquid Honey: Yeah, I guess it is. Tut-tut (inhaling a cloud of oily smoke) It looks. like. PAIN.

Stay tuned for more. . .


Anyway I thought I'd drop by and try to write something that at the very least resembles a blog entry. Only, I'm not entirely sure as to what I ought to write about (scratches his head). It's just, well, nothing all that terribly exciting has happened lately, and I'd hate to bore you with the details of a life not much more interesting than that of your average mayfly.

Ah! The TV, Thomas (all fourty-two inches of his high definition plasma self) - must be taken back to the retailer from whence he came. We've had the old boy for less then a month and already, ALREADY, a pixel has - not unlike my uncles in the '60s, burnt out.

So, needless to say, I'm a bit bummed. BUMMED!

DAMN you Tom Green. . .
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