"All mixed up, don't know what to do"

May 22, 2006 01:59

after a really really sad day i had an amazing night.

i feel so weird about the whole thing. jenn crying is not something i usually handle very well. so i just had her eat food and made her get some sleep... i didn't know what else to do. those were the good friend things to do, right?

it's a weird concept, death, and i don't want to understand it. i'm much happier being ignorant about it. the only problem is that more people seem to be dying, and one of these days it could be someone who is near and dear to me that i love. that's going to be a very bad reality check. i'm not ready for it.

He was one of those kids that always made you smile. Whether it's been a day or years, you just couldn't help but smile while talking to him because he just always seemed happy and genuinly interested in what you were saying. It's really a sad thing that he got involved with drugs, and that they were what lead him to the end. just one more reason for me to hate drugs and me to keep myself distanced away from those who do them... i simply can't handle the pain they cause everyone around them. i can't stand to see more jenn's crying, sobbing, and being completely emotionally destroyed. i just can't handle that, and they shouldn't have to feel that, ever.

i just want to say i love you guys, i really do.

-Lindsey J.

p.s. thank you eric for an absolutely amazing evening

p.p.s. margot, you're right. you're the new queen. no pressure, it's who you are that got you to this point in the first place. just let go and be free. i love you.
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