Dec 09, 2007 18:37
hey, remember what it feels like to be in love? me neither!
i spend all of my time reading atheist books now. well, that's not exactly true. i read a lot of biology books, and pretty much everything skeptical too (bigfoot/ghosts/god/aliens/homeopathy, the whole gamut of pseudoscience crap). it's wonderful to live in a natural world. i appreciate everything so much more than i ever have before. also, it's removed my unhealthy fixation on being in love and needing to be needed. i'm alone, and i'm actually really enjoying it.
i started another blog, but it's not the kind of stupid livejournal one, full of meaningless details of my life that nobody truly cares about. it's an atheism/science blog that i'm going to use to respond to claims that people make during debates i have, that i just don't have time to cover. if we've ever debated anything and i've said "that's a good point and i'd love to go into exactly why it's wrong, but i don't have the time", expect to see that conversation mentioned in this new blog. i'm writing an entry about the shroud of turin for paul right now, as it happens.
livejournal is dead. move on.