Apr 08, 2006 15:20
Spring Break seems far away. I believe this is the end of the second week back.
I feel like I have 2 lives now. I think it is normal for people to have around 3 or 4 lives, but I have always had just one. I've never wanted to miss out on anything.
I'm already returning for another month after Acen. I planned/want to be in Evanston for the string of birthdays, to see Rocky Horror at UoC, the be in the D&D Game James will Run. I also want to keep working at Cup O' Joe, and to get shown around the Clubs and Bars when I turn 21. I'll be up here sometime in June before the string of birthdays begins.
Being silly is fun if you can have other people being silly with you. Being silly is not fun if other people think you are acting stupid. Some day this summer would anyone be interested in dressing up like a pirate and trying to gain converts for the Flying Spagetti Monster? I'm thinking Belmont would be a good place.
Some day this summer would anyone be interested in dressing up like a pirate and trying to gain converts for the Flying Spagetti Monster?
I burned myself. It doesn't hurt much now but it still is visable after a few days. I didn't curse. I yelped "Hot!" followed by "Pain!" a few seconds after when the pain continued. Burns feel weird, all extra sensitive with the threshold between pain and sensation lowered. It was hot, hot coffe, and on my right hand.
I am not good at digging holes.
I remember that I loved "The Last Unicorn" as a child. I still have yet to see it again. I don't remember it, what memories I do have have been consumed and made part of my memory of the book. I asked my mom what she remembered of me watching it. She said it was very colorful. I don't remember any colors other than blues, whites and shades of grey. Just moonlight colors. Recently I found the album online. The Themesong is one of the two songs that have haunted me since I left childhood. If I see it again will I stop loving it?
I saw "Angry Housewives" at the Arlington Theater. It was amusing. I was rankling a bit at the negative image of the men, but then at the end they all realized the error of their ways and stopped being selfish jerks.
I bought Tickets to an "Indian Ocean" Concert. There is some site online with their sample music. Modern Indian stuff. I'm going with JJ, I'm providing tickets and she's doing the transportation. I got the tickets from an Indian Group on Campus. I have a sample CD of theirs, it's pretty good.
I'm still volunteering at the library 10-2 every weekday. I go to Cup O' Joe/wander around looking in shops(3 pawn shops, a dollar store and Lone Star Comics afterwards. I haven't been getting home until around 7-9.
I'm basically spending all the Money I'm making at Cup O'Joe at Lone Star Comics buy Graphic Novels(Comic books) The Fable Series, Lucifer(a Sandman Spinoff following the Devil after he left hell to retire and run a nightclub and this gory but manipulative comic called "We 3" It pulls on the heartstrings. I had to stop reading and look away fighting to not cry for about 15 seconds at one point. Further readings have the cynical "This is manipulative trying to make you feel sympathy.." voice protected me from later outbursts of extreme sympathy and sadness.
I killed a cricket. It was an accident, I was moving a flower pot. Part of me wanted to cry. It lay there twitching. I tried to put it out of it's misery but it wouldn't die. Maybe it would have lived had I not tried to end its misery. There was the Cynical voice again. I guess I and everything is false, but it seems that I can't be both people, if the crying feeling me is false then it is there for manipulating people into comforting me and thinking well of me. If the Cynical mocking me is false then it is a defense mechanism to keep me from crying, getting stuck on useless emotions and killing myself.
I've read more of the WildCard Series and now would say I'm a fan. I'm slowly working on Dracula still.
I've been having a few to many homosexual thoughts recently, nothing graphic and no fantasies but it's weird. I'm not trying to think these thoughts. I don't think they're really real I think they're there to have one more weird thing about me, to blend in better and to be different. I'm my own messed up version of straight.
I'm home alone for a week. I'm going to try to get together with Julie more.
I found out the Lyric doesn't have shows during the summer.
I've bought a lot of Buttons. I haven't put them on anything. I'm thinking I'll stick them on my Backpack.
It is very uncomfortable to be important to someone who isn't important to you.
Contra Dancing is fun. I will go again and try to get people up north to join me. I'm sure a group exists in Evanston.