veintedos: g'night, barge.

Dec 06, 2011 21:50

[There's the sound of a gramophone clicking on, and the crackle of a record. It starts playing something that sounds like flamenco. The communicator is put on the desk, and there's a pocket watch in near shot, and Caesares' room in the long shot. The gramophone and him are off screen, but you can hear footsteps. They stop, and there's an old man cough. As if he's about to say something.

But he doesn't. There are no more footsteps, no words, just the crackle of the record and the ticking of the watch. For about two, three minutes. Then the whole thing cuts out.]

unfinished business, burn into the dying night, ghosts in the arid air, cracks in the earth, insects trapped in amber

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