Aug 28, 2004 14:30
So this weeks been pretty interesting to say the least. Went to a couple parties. I ran into James a few times and I gotta say Im over that. I havent been sober one night or day this week. Im feeling it now though. And last night when I came home I was attacked by my Mom. I never even made it in the front door before she started swinging. I really did think that shit would get even a lil better but its just gotten worse. Im hanging on though. My brother wanted to kill me a couple days ago. I hid from him for like an hour when I got home, in fear that he was gonna put me in the hospital. But its all good now. =) Its funny how much stuff your family will hide from you until you force it out of them or they think your "old" enough to know. Im upset and stressed about all that shiiit too now. On top of everything else that was going on that just made it all even harder to see clearly.
-> I woke up @ 3:30 today.. so my day is totally wasted. No one is home and Im loving it right now. And tonight when I try to walk out the door to leave im sure theyll be more drama with my mom. I dont understand parents and their ways of thinking. B/c why the fuck would you want to be stuck in a house with a irritable..grouchy teenager. Why not just let me go out for a lil while. I never understood the whole "grounding" thing. Maybe thats just b/c it never worked on me. But oh well. What ever doesnt kill me is only gonna make me stronger!!
bE eAsSy