♫FIC - All but the best laid plans

Dec 23, 2010 23:21

all but the best laid plans
1/3 ~ 2min ~ 700 words
we live in anguish whether we should meet or not

never look back )

type:non-au, fandom:kpop, rating:pg-13, !fanfic, pairing:2min, subject:shinee

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Comments 11

iaculantia December 24 2010, 07:47:35 UTC
thanks for the spot! ellie_eunnie January 6 2011, 09:52:44 UTC
the descriptions were really good and gave a feeling of authenticity
I loved this



Re: thanks for the spot! l2inl2in January 11 2011, 18:03:01 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting.


iaculantia December 24 2010, 07:48:03 UTC
g_odalisque13 December 25 2010, 02:48:09 UTC
ah! i'm intrigued!
i really like it so far!
and the descriptions were amazing. as cliched as it sounds, i really felt like i was there. especially in the back alley part.
i think i must have missed this on my f-list b/c i'm not used to taking note of your new journal name, but i will be more observant next time! lol.
thank you for the spot!
i can't wait to read more!


l2inl2in January 11 2011, 18:03:58 UTC
Well you probably wont see this journal in your flist too much ^///^

Thanks for reading and commenting.


iaculantia December 24 2010, 07:48:39 UTC
be_radical December 27 2010, 10:25:23 UTC
OH MY GOSH....TT____TT I'm crying rn....do you see those tears? They're of happiness! You...you gave me a spooooooooooooooot oh my god unni!!!! I love you <3

(Overdramatic reaction aside)

This is really interesting...you're really good at describing situations. It's all so real, and the writing flows well. The story itself, well I'm looking forward to it to say the least!

Gahh you don't know how happy this spot made me...(maybealittletoohappy) XD

Fantastic job!!! <3<3<3


l2inl2in January 11 2011, 18:04:49 UTC
You're adorable hun. I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


linnhe January 10 2011, 09:44:55 UTC
I'm one paragraph in and I already want to quote the entire thing back to you (don't worry I won't)

the driver was operating on strict instructions. Taemin didn't have to know anything or utter a single word
why do I suddenly feel like this is going to be a naughty fic

hateful flash-bulbs
I love when something inanimate gets an emotional descriptive, making any sense?

as he disembarked and picked his way to the rear of the cab
I really like your choice of words. I'd probably would've written something like 'he got out and walked to the back of the cab'

his glove was sopping. He mused on the dry streak he must have left on the cab's trunkOkay so I'm quoting everything, whatever. The fact that he's wearing gloves like a fabulous Hollywood starlette from the 50's. The mention of something so small as a wiped spot on a car which nobody will ever notice or care about and has already become wet again. Poetry ;_ ( ... )


l2inl2in January 11 2011, 18:10:33 UTC
God you picked up on EVERYTHING!

Just the fact that you mentioned the part with the glove and the trunk I just >.< idek! *flails at you*

Thanks for the advice hun honestly it helps. I think that's already happened with my first 2min ;~;
I think I'm just going to have to ruin the story for somebody I know and tell them what I have planned so I can get some feed back about pov's and such...I hate doing that though XD

Thanks so much for reading and commenting hun. You're awesome!


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