take take take take take take it awayyyyy...

Dec 05, 2008 13:23

oh.my.god. i don't know what my problem is but i am SO frustrated, SO full of anxiety, and SO depressed today. for once i feel like i'm the only one who is on top of shit at work, and it's driving me fucking nuts. people aren't getting their work done in a timely manner, which means that MY work is going to be late, and other people can't even remember to lock the fucking door when they leave the office. maybe it's because i got my period about 30 minutes ago -- which is just one more thing on my list of annoyances. it's been all out of wack for the past three months when i used to be so, so regular. like, down to the 28th day. now it's coming earlier and earlier each month and i can't stand not knowing when it's going to be here. guh.

i think i'm going to leave the office soon, i just can't stand the sight of this place anymore this week. even sheila is annoying the shit out of me, and poor girl, we usually get along so well. she must think i'm a horrible bitch. the truth is that i really don't trust her enough to let her completely into my personal life, therefore i shut her down when she asks too many questions and ignore her when she makes comments i'd normally snap at someone for making. she once told me that my father is "always right". WOW. i honestly don't think she ever got past that stage in your life where you think your parents are to be put on a pedastol and every word out of their mouths is the truth. the more i get to know her, the more i learn that she is completely out of touch with reality.

wow, i am the world's biggest critic today.  my behavior reminds me of that episode of Family Guy where Peter gets a job on the news doing a segment called "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?". he just rants about random shit that pisses him off. that job would be incredible.

so, what really grinds your gears?? let's just have an all out Rant Fest.

work, rant

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