you could tell where i had been by the way i held my gun..

Apr 08, 2006 12:49

oooh myyy. last night was insane. there's really no other word to describe it. johnny and i left the house around 10:15 and got to the east side about an hour later. we had a couple cosmos while waiting for kelci, sean, matt, leigh, khale, and cristina. the bartender Briana, whom we quickly became aquainted with, was amazing and so we started keeping a tab. we met some kids named becca and max. i only saw kelci and her gang for like .05 seconds, which was sad. i wanted to spend time with my kelcimarie. johnny, max, and i left the bar together -- without paying our tab -- and met up with khale and cristina at i dont even remember where. the five of us met up with kierral who hooked us up with some goodies. he is so sexy; the spitting image of james dean. anyway, the five of us took a taxi and stopped by max's house for a quick second, then came back to mine and johnny's place. all i remember is speaking in french to khale, which was probably a huge mistake cause i know for a fact that the words "je t'aime" came out of my mouth, seeing two of everything, and actually getting along with cristina. it was a very pleasant evening.
i literally just woke up 30 minutes ago.
i adore the weekends in nyc.
so today im packing, then to MD.
then DISNEY WORLD til friday!!


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