being sick sucks! +pouty face+

Mar 07, 2004 15:13

yesterday was quite uneventful...but in the most awesome way possible. i got up at 7:15 feeling like shit, but i chose to be responsible and go to the vocal ensemble thing at mcdaniel anyway! it wasnt too bad, surprisingly. besides i got to sit by Matt, the most awesome person in the world! hahah...and alex was tailgating the bus the entire way there, it was pretty damn funny. no wonder he's gotten into two accidents since he's had his license.

but anyway, then i came home and was supposed to have rehearsal at the studio from 1-6:45..but i felt horrible, so i just went to bed for the rest of the day. it was amazing.

so i figured out that i have 4 months left in this hellhole, not including the summer. i hope that summer is a million times better than now. cant wait to leave and go to new york where no one knows me, and i dont know any of them. its better that way.

nyc, sick

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