(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 14:34

So I just realized, the last time I posted here I said I needed to get better at posting. That was just after second set of midterms. Now we're in the middle of finals week. Hmm, guess that didn't work so well.

But I guess school is really all I've been up to. Some work, some babysitting, some Braille class, but mostly school stuff. Two finals are done, one final exam on Thursday and one take-home final to finish up by Friday. Then have the weekend to do chores, and Colum arrives on Monday (woohoo!). Get four weeks with him, got all kinds of things planned, though as much cheap as possible or free. Mostly just looking forward to being able to act like a real couple again :)

Also working on Study Abroad application, getting close to done. Just need statement of purpose, which I just e-mailed in to the advisor's assistant for editing help, one more transcript (from Fullerton itself), and one more teacher rec. The teacher rec is bugging me though, I know who I want to ask, but can't seem to find his e-mail anywhere on the IVC website. Yurgh. Oh well, when in doubt get a letter, go to IVC, find his office and leave it. But I'm so close!! So need to get in.... probly go stark raving mad if I don't.

Um... wow. This month was boring, that's really all I have to say :P Guess that means need to stop procrastinating and go work on the take-home final some more.
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