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Sep 26, 2005 13:41

9th ward is flooded again... just found out nancy's roof caved in at their apartment... i talked to joe this morning and then called amy, she's supposed to go to my apartment today and fill out an application and move into my apartment... i'm sending joe the rent for october so that amy, derek, and caleb can stay there until they get approved... this makes things like a million times easier on my AND my dad... now all he has to do is load up all the big stuff... like the furniture... and me and mike can go get the rest of the stuff with the car whenever.... i did our bugdeting and figured out we can leave new york on november 5th... and we're going to stop in atlanta on the way to birmingham so i can see nancy and sylis and sage... i can't wait, i miss my sweeties so much...

we went to jayson's company picnic yesterday... talk about a morning from hell... we waited for about 2 hours or so for the bus that was supposed to be coming, then finally they sent this stretch excursion... which, everybody was all excited cause YAY WE GET TO RIDE IN A STRETCH EXCURSION WOO HOO!!! yeah, it took us about 20 minutes to get like AROUND THE BLOCK... it took us about 3 1/2 hours to get there, and when we're about 30-45 minutes away we all start smelling this god awful stintch... like natural gas or sulfur or a skunk, we all thought it was something different... and of course I'M NOT PARANOID ENOUGH, my baby's on this limo from hell and i'm thinking it's gonna blow up on us and i'm freaking out and we finally got there and they figured out what was wrong with it, some retard that was riding with us decided she was cold and she was too above and beyond reaching over her head to turn the vent the other way and made them turn the fucking heater on, so somehow the air conditioner and the heater were on at the same time i don't know, and something shorted out in the front and fried a battery and yadda yadda yadda... stupid retard... anyway i'm going eat some ice cream...
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