172 visions of the future //

Aug 22, 2010 09:55

[ For some reason, the camera turns on to an empty bedroom!

... But then Clow stumbles in and the reason for the device activating is made apparent. Perhaps it has foresight, too. He's still in his dressing gown and holding a slightly bloodied handkerchief to his nose while looking quite dishevelled. "Dishevelled" is an understatement, actually -- the man looks like he done got beat up. To complete the look, he's wearing an uncharacteristically disturbed expression and leaning on the bedroom door as though he's afraid that whatever ~~monster~~ did this to him might try to come in and finish the job.

Loud thumping sounds from down the hall, as though a person -- not a monster of any kind -- is running along and not bothering to be particularly quiet about it, and Clow waits for whoever it is to thump on past before he dares say anything. ]

... Well, then. She can get her own breakfast.

[ text // added a few minutes later ]

There was once a time when I checked the network every day, upon waking up; perhaps I should go back to that. I thought I had seen nearly all the variations on curses that were there to see, but whichever this one is, it is quite new to me. Has anyone seen any curse that causes unprovoked manic rage?

[ ooc: Clef and Yuuko got bodyswapped! But Clow doesn't realize that yet. All he knows is that when he went to, um, say good morning to who he thought was his significant other, he... got his ass kicked. Poor Clow. ]
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