Oct 25, 2006 23:30
Ok kids, its time to compare and contrast.
Things I like about Ohio....
1.) Less traffic (no Big Dig)
2.) Customer service people are nicer/
3.) Everything is cheaper (to my Boston friends, I pay $600 a month for 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, central air, a dishwasher, a laundry room, and a fucking huge apartment, and $60 a month in car insurance, for two cars. HAHA!)
4.) I'm one of the smartest people out here.
5.) The queer community is relatively small, and it was easy for me to integrate myself, and they're not nearly as cliquey as in Boston.
6.) My family isn't out here
7.) My lovely gf is out here, and I've never been as sure about something as I am about her.
8.) Kings Island season passes.
9.) I can listen to Dolly Parton and not get made fun of.
10.) Its not as crowded as Boston (though I'm sure this will lose its appeal soon)
11.) There are tons of places open 24/7. Not just Store 24, and the Walmart 30 miles away (as was the case in Boston)
Things I don't like....
1.) No Red Sox (sorry Reds, I don't care if you have Arroyo, its just not the same)
2.) Bengals fans. They had ONE good year. And now everybody and their mother is running around chanting WHO DEY! (which I personally find racially insensitive). I come from Boston, where EVERYONE stands by the Sox, even if we hadn't won a series in since 1918! There are people out here painting their trucks orange and black, who didn't even know who the Bengals starting quarter back was in 2003.
3.) People saying "god bless you" (not after you sneeze), or "I'm blessed" (as an answer to how are you). I hate that people assume you believe in God, or are just so pushy about their own religion that they don't care, because, obviously, if you don't believe in Jesus, you're a worthless human being.
4.) That brings me to the Jesus billboards. Yes, there are billboards out here promoting The Jesus. Its fucking annoying.
5.) There are hardly any sidewalks, its as if no one should walk, everyone should drive.
6.) Every restaurant is a chain. There are no corner sub shops. And they put orange cheese on Steak & cheese. WHO DOES THAT????????? Its disgusting. And also, they don't know what a fucking Wing Ding is. I thought it was universal!
7.) The chinese food is gross. Their chicken wings are beaded, not with that brown sauce. They don't make chicken fingers, and theier fried rice is light brown.
8.) No subway system (the T). Its just more convenient than driving everydamnwhere.
9.) The amount of Bush/ Cheney bumper stickers. Its frightening really.
10.) The air quality. Its horrible. My allergies are going haywire.
Well kids, that makes it about even. I would've stayed anyways, because Kayte trumps all. But, I have to say, the Red Sox come in a pretty close second ;) God, I miss Tek. Look, I'm becoming religious already, HAHA! And I will admit, I like the laid back atmosphere out here, for now =)
red sox,